Thursday, May 31, 2012

End of the School Year

As we round up the end of a school year, I give my kids a present at the end of the year just as a little something special. :) This year I did similar to last year sand buckets! I had a lot of fun getting the needed things and putting them all together.
I got bubbles, sand molds, chalk, and playdoh to add into their buckets!
Some capri suns, teddy grahams, and cheez-its as well!

This is what the bucket looked like from the inside.The shovel came with the bucket.

All the buckets finally put together and ready to go! I'm sure they will love them!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mother's Day!

We made flower pots for Mother's Day out of our hand prints and fingers. We painted our hands green for the pain part of the flower and then used out thumb and fingers to do the flowers. We did yellow thumb prints for the middle of the flower and then let them choose which color flower they wanted next. The poem that is written on the flower pot is "I've made some May flowers/With my finger and thumb/So you'll have those/Memories/For all the years/to come!"
We started out of big mother's day project by painting our hands on tiles from Lowe's. The blue tiles only got .45 cents each and I let them choose whether they wanted white hands or a pink hand. They listened very well by not moving their hand on the slippery surface. I let these dry for several days (over the weekend) to make sure they were completely dry.

Then I added the year wherever it would fit the best at. Then I sprayed two coats of finishing spray over it, to just seal everything in. Then I attached the ribbon with hot glue. The pink ribbon was for the girls and the blue ribbon was for the boys.

This is what the back looks like. The ribbon is attached and then the card with the poem for Mother's Day and then signed their name. I made the poems and then cut them out using fun scissors and then some darker blue construction paper and then lighter blue for a border.

This what the poem says! I think it's really cute and a good memory for the mother's when the child does get older.

Then after they were all done. I wrapped them all in different color tissue paper and then wrote "Happy Mother's Day" on them and on the back is "Love, then the child's name". I think overall it turned out to be a very cute project!
These are part on the folders we made to be able to put all the paper and such they made for Mother's Day inside. We used their handprints on the front. And to be a little different I let them choose 2 colors per hand and they loved it!
On the back of the folder we placed our feet prints in multiple colors as well. The hand prints on the front to indicate the beginning of the book and then the feet prints on the back to finish out the special Mother's Day booklet.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


We made Ostriches out of our hand print. They were excited to see what an ostrich looked like. We used brown paint for the pain part of the body and then peach paint on the thumb for his head. Drew some long legs and added and eye and beak. They love making things with their hands and feet and always ask what we are doing next! :)