Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Letter U

For the letter U, I asked them what they painted to do with it. They love to do the dot art and ask for it quite frequently so I let them pick the color and go to town on it! 

Then we made Umbrella puppets to also talk about the letter U. I let them water color it. They love to take their time and  use all the colors when water coloring :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Letter T

For the letter T, we colored a tiger strip. They wanted to color it just like a tiger and told me what a tiger looked like before I even had a chance to talk to them about it. They loved coloring the stripes and everything. 

Then we colored a turtle and they got to draw something on the back of the turtle and then tell me what the turtle was carrying. They did a great job and I was very impressed. This one is a goose that has a beak and one eye and if you look near the back of the shell you can actually see a little goose head. They did great!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Letter R

For the letter R, We glued pieces of red, orange, and yellow tissue paper on  our R. They loved to do this, because we hadn't used tissue paper like this before. They listened great and had a blast doing it. 

We also colored a rainbow with the actual colors of the rainbow using ROY G  BIV. They actually knew where some of the colors went without me telling them. Then we glued cotton balls on for the clouds!

We made rocket ships to continue talking about the letter R. They got to pick from the colors red, orange and yellow and we reviewed our shapes as we went. Using a square for the bottom, a rectangle for the middle and a triangle for the top. Then I added some "smoke" with white chalk and let them use some star stickers to put in the sky. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Letter Q

For the letter Q, we read a story and then I asked them what they wanted to do with the Q. They all decided they  wanted to dot art the Q. Dot art can be loud but they love to do it and stayed in the lines really good!

Then, we colored our queen and let them put either glitter or jewels on the queen's crown. They loved to add a little something extra to the crown. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Letter P

For the letter P, we made a Pig! We sponge painted the big P and they the smaller big pieces they cute out of construction paper and we glued them all on the big P. They turned out really cute :)
We made a Penguin! I personally love penguins so this was fun for me as well!  We colored the  wings and the head black and the feet orange and they could color the bowtie whatever colors they wanted. Then we glues on the pieces on the paper plate making a Penguin paper plate. 

We also sponge painted a Pumpkin with orange paint. They love to paint and to use the sponges to make things with. They had fun making all the things that start with P!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Letter O

For the letter O, we talked about lots of things from octopus to the color orange of what things begin with O. Then they got to stick some O stickers all over their big O. They loved to take the stickers off themselves and put them around it. At first, they were surprised that they made stickers into the letter O. :)

We colored an octopus to talk about the letter O. They got to color it with  whatever colors they wanted and then we put glitter on the circles of the octopus. Even though glitter is one of the more messier crafts, they loved to do it!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The letter N

For the letter N, we talked about everything that started with the letter N and then talked about how noodles started with that letter and let them glue noodles in the shape of the letter N. They loved it and thought it was neat to be gluing noodles onto a paper. They asked if they could eat some but explained that they weren't cooked :) 

Also when talking about the letter N, we water colored a birds Nest. They love to water color and while they were water coloring we talked about nest and more things with the letter N.  

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Letter M

For the letter M we talked about a lot of things that started with the letter M and read a story. Since marshmallows start with M, I let them glue marshmallows to their paper to cover the letter M. They loved it and after nap, they all had a cup of marshmallows to remember about the letter M.  

They next got to color a Moon which starts with M and then we used  a star stamp and glitter to add a little something to our moon. They loved using the stamps :)

We also got to make a monkey puppet. They got to color it any way they choose and then got to cut  it out and  glue it on the bag. they love playing with the puppets afterwards. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Letter L

For the letter L we read a book about lambs so we  glued cotton balls on the L just like sheep have their wool that is mostly white. They loved gluing the cotton balls on for something different. 

Then we got to make a paper plate lion. The first step was to  paint the paper plate brown. we only painted the other rim of the plate b/c of the face going in the inside. Next they got to color their lion any ways they wanted and then they cut it out all by themselves. They ask now if they can cut it out so they are really enjoying cutting more. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Letter K

We talked about the letter K and what sound it makes and what things start with the letter K. They got to use their markers to color the big K. They are loving the huge letters that we get to do things to. 

They also got to make a kite. We talked about how kite starts with the letter K. They got to color the kite and cut it out themselves. Then they got to choose which color tail they wanted and we glued it all together :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Letter J

For the letter J, we sponge painted the J. They got to pick which color they wanted to use. They are great at staying inside the lines and everything! 
They got to also color a jack in the box with their markers. They knew right away what this was and loved using their markers to color it with.