Monday, February 18, 2013

President's Day

For President's Day we made a handprint of Abraham Lincoln and a handprint of an eagle. We made hats that said "Happy President's Day" on them and took our pictures. They lived holding the flag while wearing the hat as well!

Children Around The World

We had a theme week on children of the world. We talked about Africa, Mexico, and The Netherlands. We learned about the different children so we made a world displaying all the children that live in different places.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


These are our last 2 valentine papers that we did. The first one says "thumb body loves" and we put our thumbprints inside of the heart. The second one is an outline of a heart and we finger-painted with red, pink, and purple all around it! The loved doing it and getting paint everywhere :)

Valentine bags

We made our valentine bags and they turned out super cute and they loved glueing on the hearts and picking out a Pom Pom for the nose!


We got to color a pair of hearts and then add some glitter which they absolutely love to put on things! The poem that is underneath is
Secret Valentine
"I have a secret valentine
I love so much, I do!
But I can't keep this secret, for
My valentine is-YOU!"

Monday, February 4, 2013

God's Love

We painted our hands red and pink and made them into a flower. Then we made little heart flowers at the bottom. The verse reads "And now these three remain: FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE. But the greatest of these is LOVE." 1 Corinthians 13:13. They turned out very cute!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Valentine Day Cards

We made our handprints into hearts for the front of our cards and added some glitter fun with the saying "be mine". Then on the inside they say I love you on the different hearts.