Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The letter H

For the letter H, we did something a little different. We have a smaller H, which we used a stamp of a house and talked about how the word house started with the letter H as well. Then I let them pick which color they wanted their hand print and we added that beside the H because hand print also started with H. They loved doing both the stamp and the painting of their hand!
We water colored a heart that started with the letter H. They love to watercolor and do an excellent job at it trying to stay in the lines.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Letter G

For the letter G, we used glitter! We talked about how glitter started with the letter G as well. I let them pick which color glitter they wanted to use and I put the glue on and let them shake it all over the big G. They love using glitter even thought it makes a hug mess!

We made goat puppets to go along with the letter G as our craft. They got to color the goat any way they wanted and then I let them cut the 2 pieces out. They did a great job cutting, and are getting a little more confident in their cutting, which is great!

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Letter F

For the letter F, I let them glue feathers in order to make the F shape. They had fun gluing the feathers down and it was something different than just coloring.

We made some fish out of our hand prints to go back over that fish start with F. They got to color the fish bowl and then we used a yellowish color to do our fish hand print. After it dried, I outlined the fish to make it stand out more and then added a googly eye and a smiley face!
They painted the half paper plate blue and then they got to water color the fish parts whichever they wanted to. I ended up cutting out these pieces (for the lack of time) and then helping them glue them down and adding a smiley face. I think they turned out quite cute :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Letter E

For the letter E, we sponge painted it grey. They loved seeing how black and white mixed together made grey. After they sponge painted it, we waited for it to dry and then glued a huge eyeball on the top and added a smiley face to make an elephant out of our E. They loved how huge the eyeball was too and kept referring to it as that! :)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Letter D

For the letter D, I let them dot art their big D. They love to paint and use the dot art and I explained that dot art actually began with the letter D. It makes some noise letting them do this b/c they love to do it all over and fast, but they do it well and listen. I let them choose a color that we had to do it and most of them stayed in the lines of the D.

For our craft, we made paper bag ducks! We used crayons to color the 2 parts of the duck, the head and the mouth. They asked to cut them out themselves, so I let them and they did a great job! Then we glued it down and added some yellow feathers for the feathers of a duck. After they were dried, they got to play with them some and had a blast! :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Letter C

To review the letter C, we made a caterpillar out of our big C! First of all we colored it because color starts with the letter c, then we clue different colored/sized pompoms around the C to make the caterpillar shape. Next, we added some googly eyes and for the antenna we used pipe cleaners. They got to choose which color they wanted everything and enjoyed seeing their C turn into a Caterpillar! :)

For our craft associated with the letter C, we made plate plate clowns! They got to color the pieces of the clown with their markers and then they cut them out themselves. they are getting much better at cutting out their own work and they love using the scissors! (Just have to keep a good eye on them :) ). Then we glued it all on a paper plate and added some eyes and a smile. And there you have our clown!

Monday, June 11, 2012


Summer Camp started up at the Preschool last week! I have my own class of 3 year olds and have 9 kids! :) I am very excited and we are having a blast so far. We are doing review papers to review all our alphabet, shapes, numbers, and colors. We do this through various crafts, worksheets, and fun activities. I will be posting some of the things we do with each letter as we review and any other fun crafts we end up doing in the course of the summer! I forgot to take pictures of what we did for A, so I'll just write it down. We used dot art to cover our big A and then we sponge painted an Apple and talked about how it started with the letter A and other things they came up with that started with the letter A. Here is some of the B stuff we did today:

This is our big letter B. We talked about it and read a story about Bubble Bear. They got to watercolor their B and absolutely loved it!
This is our Butterfly that goes with our letter B. We used out hand print 4 times to make it's wings and made sure our thumb prints were matched up with the antennas. They got to choose what color they wanted their butterfly as well, so they were all different colors.  After their hand prints, they got to glue their wiggly eyes on their butterfly. Then I added a smiley face to make them happier! They loved doing the craft.